IO PAN Oceanographic Data and Information System
Primary Production


The database is the supplement to the paper:
Agnieszka Zdun, Joanna Stoń-Egiert, Dariusz Ficek, Mirosława Ostrowska, Seasonal and spatial changes of primary production in the Baltic Sea (Europe) based on in situ measurements in the period of 1993–2018, Frontiers in Marine Science, 2021, .


The database contains the results of analyses of measurements of in situ primary production conducted the Baltic Sea region with 14C light-dark method in the years 1993–2018. Measurement and analyses were carried out within the resources for the Statutory Research Projects (the Institute of Oceanology of Polish Academy of Sciences and Institute of Physics Pomeranian University of Slupsk) and the framework of the SatBaltyk (POIG 01.01.02-22-011/09) and (POPC.02.03.01-IP.01-00-0062/18) projects funded by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
Description of analytical methods is presented in the paper: Agnieszka Zdun, Joanna Stoń-Egiert, Dariusz Ficek, Mirosława Ostrowska, Seasonal and spatial changes of primary production in the Baltic Sea (Europe) based on in situ measurements in the period of 1993–2018, Frontiers in Marine Science, 2021, .



Vocabulary of parameters
symbol unit description
AoD dimensionless the amount of data
OW dimensionless region; the Baltic Sea open waters
GG dimensionless region; the Gulf of Gdansk
Pi(0-30) mg C m-2 day-1 the integrated primary production in layer 0-30 m
START UTC time STOP of exposition
STOP UTC time START of exposition
t exp UTC time of exposition
Pe mg C m-3 hour-1 the primary production in 1 hour of exposition
Pd mg C m-3 day-1 the integrated primary production in layer 0-30 m
Chl mg m-3 chlorophyll a concentration
T(0) deg C temperature
Sal(0) PSU salinity
LF dimensionless ligth factor
z m depth in the water column


  1. The amount of data collected in consecutive months and years within period 1993–2018.
  2. The surface primary production – Pe(0) and Pd(0), integrated primary production – Pi(0-30), chlorophyll a concentration – Chl(0), temperature − T(0), and light factor − LF(0) within 1993–2018 in the Baltic Proper (OW).
  3. The surface primary production – Pe(0) and Pd(0), integrated primary production – Pi(0-30), chlorophyll a concentration – Chl(0), temperature − T(0), and light factor − LF(0) within 1993–2018 in the Gulf of Gdansk (GG).
  4. The median daily primary production in water column, Pd(z)med,26 for the Baltic Proper (OW) and the Gulf of Gdansk (GG) calculated based on individual amount of data in each month from period 1993–2018.
  5. The monthly distribution of integrated primary productions in water column, Pi(0-30) within 1993–2018 in the the Baltic Proper (OW) and the Gulf of Gdansk (GG).
107984313-6166-4af3-a5d6-e275c9afd7181PP_data_GG.csvIO PAS in situ PP data file for region GGIO PAS statutory research, SatBaltyk project, projectIO PAS PP data file for Baltic Sea 1993-2019Baltic Sea Gulf of Gdansk Primary Production 14C method Chlorophyll aOceanography Primary Production Temperature Salinity Chlorophyll aExpeditionPP data GG2020-12-10 creationGulf of GdanskBoat r/v Oceania54.3654.6418.6619.511994-04-16 00:00:002018-11-08 00:00:00Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of SciencesMirosław Dareckidarecki@iopan.plAgnieszka Zdunzdun@iopan.plThese data are public and free of charge. User must display citation in any publication or product using data. User must contact PI prior to any commercial use of data.These data were collected and made freely available by the Institute of Oceanology of Polish Academy of Science, in the framework of SatBaltyk (POIG 01.01.02-22-011/09) and (POPC.02.03.01-IP.01-00-0062/18) projects.
2bdcc078f-cea9-48aa-a683-0cd290800ae11PP_data_OW.csvIO PAS in situ PP data file for region OWIO PAS statutory research, SatBaltyk project, projectIO PAS PP data file for Baltic Sea 1993-2018Baltic Sea Gulf of Gdansk Primary Production 14C method Chlorophyll aOceanography Primary Production Temperature Salinity Chlorophyll aExpeditionPP data OW2020-12-10 creationBaltic ProperBoat r/v Oceania54.4658.814.6320.31993-05-08 00:00:002018-05-14 00:00:00Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of SciencesMirosław Dareckidarecki@iopan.plAgnieszka Zdunzdun@iopan.plThese data are public and free of charge. User must display citation in any publication or product using data. User must contact PI prior to any commercial use of data.These data were collected and made freely available by the Institute of Oceanology of Polish Academy of Science, in the framework of SatBaltyk (POIG 01.01.02-22-011/09) and (POPC.02.03.01-IP.01-00-0062/18) projects.


  • Agnieszka Zdun, Joanna Stoń-Egiert, Dariusz Ficek, Mirosława Ostrowska, Seasonal and spatial changes of primary production in the Baltic Sea (Europe) based on in situ measurements in the period of 1993–2018, Frontiers in Marine Science, 2021, .